Thursday, September 2, 2010


More lessons from my dog...............

So, I am starting to like my dog now. My kids laugh at me, cuz a few weeks ago, I thought he was the devil's spawn. I called the trainer the doggie exorcist.....

After two sessions, the trainer couldn't get the dog to go in his crate either....which was causing major back problems for me! I remember him saying, "hmmmm, I am gonna have to give this some thought!" Yep, haven't seen him since. Kinda funny. He's probly sittin in the fetal position in a corner just rocking back and forth, crying, "crate....crate......" Yeah, but its okay.

I decided to choose my battles and save my back. He is obeying so well, and I have definitely established myself as the ALPHA in the house. My kids laugh at the transformation and now how good of friends me and the dog are. Yesterday, Lily called the Dog to follow her up the stairs and he adores Lily. But, he just came straight to me at the reading chair I was in and sat at my feet. "You know who loves you don't you boy," I cooed. My daughter looked at me like I had officially lost my mind. I can now officially call him by name, because we are now in good relational terms. His name is Samson...

Neat little parallel there.....about my name and who God calls me. I will save that for later.

The neat thing today, was that on our walk, I realized something. Samson is Heeling perfectly. He knows when I turn and turns in the flow with me without missing a beat. He stays with me, and if he does get a little ahead of me, I gently jerk the leash and make a noise he knows, and he falls back in line. I don't have to yell or pull or tug. IT IS MARVELOUS!!!!!

I began to reflect about how this parallels me and God. I mean, when I first worked with the dog on this heel thing....he tugged, and didn't understand, and he had to be jerked a lot....and I had to make that "sound" a lot. Now, as he knows me, and I know him, he falls right in line....and we walk together. I am not walking him or he walking me...but side by side. A few times, he got tired, cuz I wore his hiney out today...and I just encouraged him and gently tugged the leash and he fell right back in line with me. When he saw another dog, he did not tug to get free...he just kept on walking in step with me. I think it is a beautiful picture of my walk with God. He and I are right in line. We are in relationship and as I press in for more relationship with Him.....there isn't as much struggle to get my way, or fear of going a certain direction. When "he turns" I turn too in a natural way. When I get tired or weary from the journey I am on.....He gently encourages me in a gentle way. He is never harsh with me. I have never heard Him use a harsh or yelly kinda voice with me. Always gentle and low. Always in an encouraging way too. Me and God, well, we are great friends. There is no struggle, no mistrust....its real good...

He has given me a new name too. That is for a different blog at a different time. I got that this weekend......