My Tattoo. It is looking better each day.
I am trying to take very very good care of it.
The letters that I shared yesterday, I keep in my Bible, and frequently pull out to re-read. I don't want to dwell on the sad little girl I was at age 9 and who has been a part of me for so long. I want to remember her, so that I can truly rejoice in the new creation God has begun in me. He has brought that little girl and my now woman together to his new beautiful Mighty Princess Warrior. It is only by His grace that I am free from so many of the strongholds that were set up in me for so long. Now, there are still stones that try to sneak in my garden. Some are hurled in my garden so fast, I can't even see strait and I have to dig it up and throw it out again......that really frustrates me and makes me mad by the way! I still go to counseling, I still have to read that letter from God.....and be reminded of he He sees me. I have drank in the chapters in the book of Isaiah and been so loved on.
Recently.....and I mean recently...like a few days ago....I was in so much pain and despair over some of my "still issues in my heart" and over current situations going on in my life...that I actually entertained for an evening, what would it be like to just be gone....to just end it. Kinda like a George Bailey moment from Its a Wonderful Life. Oh the enemy was really getting me good.....I immediately texted my prayer warrior friend and told her and I know her prayers immediately took affect....cuz it wasn't but 10 minutes later and I all of a sudden snapped out of it.......I distinctly remember saying, "God, I have not remembered who you have called me! I have not remembered what you have said about me! I have not embraced my new name! Help me remember!" I don't ever want to forget that I am a Mighty Woman.....I am His Precious Princess...and I am a Warrior....and Over comer! I will cast these stones out again....I will live like a Princess.....It was that moment that I knew....I would tattoo this on me. I had been thinking for years about a tattoo. I just knew when I got one, it would symbolize something and be meaningful to me. That there would be a story behind it. Well, I know have my story to share....my tattoo to remind me every day, multiple times a day of who I truly am. I am His Mighty Princess Warrior.....
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