Friday, September 18, 2009

my first ever blog!

That about sums up the point to my very first ever blog. I really have no idea what I am doing. Many people have encouraged me to blog and I respond back, "but I don't have anything worth sayin." The thing is, when I do have somethin to say, some people in my email loop really don't want to hear it or the reply alls that come again, I was encouraged to blog. So, here I am peeps.

I mean, I couldn't even think of a "name" for it! I asked God to show me somethin.....and he immediately you know about fireflies?
Fireflies bring the most joy to children! I mean, come on! It is just a bug! What is the big deal.....Seriously....... I never really got that! The thing is, when fireflies are evident, it is in the darkness. I began to think about these ity bities....These little bity bugs light up the back yards in summer, to the delight of younguns and adults. The more out there, the merrier. Children are scramblin' to contain 'em in their mason jars with holes poked in the top. They just gotta have a piece of that light! Well, as I began to think more on that I realized that, well, Can't ya just see God looking among us in this dark and crazy world. Some of us catch a piece of his light, or his presence.....we hear a word, sing a song, get inspired some way or some how...and our joy is bursting out of us!

I wanna be a firefly in this crazy world we live in. I want others to be affected by my joy in the Lord. I know there are other fireflies out there too.....I wanna hear your stories. We can encourage eachother.

So, in a nutshell, that is why I came to Lightinfly for the name, cuz Firefly was already taken, and some people call fireflies lightning bugs, so.....I just came up with Lightinfly.....
There it is my friends.....Welcome to my first ever blog. I hope that there will be days you are inspired. I will get this all figured out in the, postin' pictures, and attachin' links, and the like.....until then...

Grace and Peace to you!


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