My tears have character:
My tears taste different according to emotion. How bout that random fact. Tears of joy, happiness, and even pain (physical) have a taste. Have you ever tasted your tears? What I realized last night, was that tears of sorrow have a completely different taste altogether. They don't taste good either....mine are extremely salty and pungent. And they are hotter!
Stress verses sadness:
I learned too that under stress....I am able to continue to function fairly well...I can perform, meet goals, and carry on. Under stress, I lose weight though, because I cannot eat. Now Sadness, is a completely different story. Sadness wants the comforts of a rich decadent chocolate treat....Sadness paralyzes....Sadness tries to snuff out the very life of me....making everyday tasks completely laundry, working, grocery shopping. If I have been present for my children in that particular sad day, then it has been an that is my number one goal be fully present for them.
Stress presents itself in the pit of my stomach.....Sadness, right under the heart, where my ribs meet up. Heavy and pressing, sadness takes my breath away sometimes. Stress just gnaws at my stomach all day long. Stress is there, and you can just live with it......Sadness will just pop up at any given random can be triggered by a thought, a song, a simple phrase spoken......
I admit to all my readers that I am a broken person now. I read something posted on fb though that did give me comfort....about the woman with the alabaster jar. I had to copy it.....
"While in Bethany,a woman came w/ an alabaster jar of ointment(perfume),very costly & precious,she broke the jar & poured over His head."Mark 14:3
She said on her post...."People are afraid of brokenness.If the outer person is broken,powerful things in you can pour out.Perfume of the Holy Spirit is in you,the jar(the flesh)has to be broken for perfume to be released.Allow God to do w/ you as He wills,knowing that everything in life changes."
I am not afraid of brokenness...I just don't like it. I wonder if all the tears are part of the release?