Lovin my new Muscles!
Yesterday, in our TRX class...which is very hard and I hated it the first time I did it, Kelly took some pictures. I was shocked to finally see some bicep action in class. So, I asked her to take a pic or two so I could post on the blog.....
So, there I am.....using the TRX band to do some biceps. Can you see the definition there in my shoulder...and my triceps aren't as flappy.....but there you can see, some little biceps developing. This is a big deal, cuz SISTER aint never had biceps......So, after only 10 weeks of boot camp.....I am beginning to see some results.
Oh, and thanks so much to Kelly for only getting waist up shots! She is a smart one!
My new plan for this week, is to do boot camp on M W F....run on Tues, and Thurs, and do TRX on Saturday....all accounting that I DON'T roll my ankle again. Friday, doing a very high step and holding kettle bells, I came down and rolled my ankle and really hurt it. I had to sit out and ice it...but while icing I did tricep dips off the platform. then while everyone did their stuff on their feet, I went to different machines and worked upper body and abs til Kelly did mat work with all of us. My ankle was quite sore yesterday....but I just doubled up on my MAX GXL glutathione supplement and it did the trick! I am telling you that this supplement is awesome......you need to ask me about it next time you see me! Since I started taking it, I have given up caffeine pretty easily, slept like never before, and my muscle recovery is amazing!!!!!
It is awesome. you can google it or go to www.max.com
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