Monday, October 5, 2009

Question of the Day

What does the word Courage Look like in your life? Courage is one of my favorite words. I was glancing back through a study on Esther that I did last spring and that is one of the things about her that really inspired me. Her Courage. Esther, a Jewish girl raised by her uncle Mordecai in Persia, was taken to "try out" for queen. King Xerxes had banished his first queen because of her refusal to honor his drunken request of parading about in front of all his drunk officials at a party he'd thrown for about 180 days. So, he got rid of her at his officials suggestion, and is now on the lookout for the new queen. So the officials went out in search high and low for young, beautiful, virgins. They were brought to his kingdom, given one year beauty treatments and nutritional (choice) foods to enhance their beauty. After the contest was over......Esther won and was crowned the new queen. Now, Mordecai warned her to keep her Jewish heritage a secret...hence her name Esther....before, her birth name was Hadassah.....a very Jewish name.

So, the courage part comes in when Mordecai warns her that the King has signed a law that will annihilate the Jews forever and that SHE must save her people and go to the king. Law also stated that anyone coming before the king without being invited to do so by him would be executed. It is a fascinating story. Only 10 chapters. I highly recommend you reading it. It took tremendous courage. After 3 days of prayer and fasting, she went before the king. She is reported as saying, "If I die, then I die." What is your "If I___________, then I ________?"

Are you being commissioned for something that will take great courage?

I would love to hear stories from you on Fear and Courage from your own life to encourage others who read this blog.....I know I am just starting out and only have a few followers. But, I would love to make Tuesdays, "Testimony Tuesdays"

If you have a story to share....please post it or email it to me privately and I will post it.

Did you know that the phrase: "Do not be afraid..." is the most frequent command in the Bible....Can we even imagine living without fear?

Psalm 138:8 - 8 The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever—do not abandon the works of your hands.

From Beth Moore..." There is no denial in courage! Courage looks at fear flat in the face ad denies its authority over me!"

Guys, take courage today....."you may be one brave decision away from the most important destiny of your life!" (Beth Moore in Esther)

And Please Remember, from 1 John 4:18 "perfect love casts out all fear!"

1 comment:

  1. NO FEAR may enter when I'm praising:)
    Keep speaking the truth!
    Love you,
