Monday, October 12, 2009

A Loving God and a Repenant Heart

Recently, I posted a story on how God teaches me a lot about my relationship with Him by using my relationship with my kids....mainly Lily. She is so much like me that it is scary! Anyone who truly knows me and her can verify that.

Well, this last week, Thursday to be exact, both my children were quite sassy in the car ride home from school. Thursdays have always been our most challenging days with the kids. They are just already worn out from the school week. In the past, this was always the meltdown day. It was like clock work. Lily always had an emotional breakdown over something that may have seemed quite silly to me. Tripp gets exhausted and he begins to get squirmy and runs around like a maniac. He also gets a little emotional....that is when I know we have hit the past of no return for him.......

Anyway, Whatever their sassiness was, Tripp was mouthy, and Lily's was an attitude issue. Tripp was easy to reign in...I just reminded him of the consequences of his rebellion and he shaped up. Lily is a little tougher. Though she didn't say much, it was in her attitude, all over her face, and in her actions. I just said a silent prayer to God for a little help here! We got home, she continued her little passive aggressive behavior. I gave a gentle reminder of what happens when we have a rebellious heart, and went upstairs to do something while she practiced her guitar downstairs.

What I haven't relayed it that I was having quite a day of my own. The day before had been very enlightening for me, I had been convicted, challenged, and encouraged. I have a hard time sometimes letting go of the issues of sin in my life and keep it. I Came under some major condemnation. I was walking in some discouragement over some sin.....even though I knew God had forgiven me.....I just couldn't let it go myself.......I was so truly sorry for the things I had done or hadn't done. For me it was an attitude in my thought life, some pride maybe.
What I knew I couldn't apply and that was that the Bible says, "there is no condemnation" in Christ. Condemnation comes from my enemy...not my God.

Well, not 5 minutes have gone by.....(my eyes well up now as I remember this picture) and Lily comes to me. Her eyes full of tears, yet refusing tolet them spill over onto her face. She is trying hard to keep it together. She says something like this to me, "Mommy, I am sorry for my attitude. " One little tear now trickling down her face. She then, through her quivering voice says, "Thursdays are just such hard days for me and I am sorry for my attitude....." Now she is crying and I immediately pull her lovingly into my lap and hold her. I rock her and smooth her hair and whisper to her how much I love her and forgive her. And she sits their in the comfort of my arms for a long time. I remind her of how much I love her and I just want what I know is best for her. That I love her. That it is over. Not to worry. And eventually, she gets up and wipes her face and tells me she loves me.....goes downstairs to practise her guitar.

Oh, I can't tell you how the Holy Spirit ministered to me at that minute. It was like God was saying, "See???" I immediately got the point, and then released it. My heavenly Father was teaching me in that how much he loves me, He forgives me, and it is over. "Now come into my lap and let me hug and hold you and minister to you. Receive my forgiveness, and now receive my love for you, and remember that I know best for you..."

He does love us, he does forgive. We come to him, rendering our hearts and repentant and he is faithful to us. 1 John 1:9 says 'If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us of all our unrighteousness.' So shouldn't we forgive ourselves and stop reminding Him of our sin he has already forgiven us of? I pray you receive this and will live joyfully today in your righteousness in Christ. We are co-heirs with him, you know...receive his inheritance today.



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