All I can say is wow.
Traits shared by the greatest revolutionists?
My impulsivity is a gift?....the key to the miraculous?
I have always hated that I was impulsive...but there is a positivity to that.
I have a good friend and her motto is count to 30,
or wait 30 min
or 30 hours,
or even 30 days
before I want to impulsively do or say anything.
I agree...wish I followed that more than I do.
Sometimes, when I count to 30....maybe that was the one time I should've waited 30 minutes! It is nice to see though, that there is a positive side to being impulsive.
Being impulsive allows me to fly by the seat of my pants and be flexible.
I am moody at times....I have always hated that about me...
My moodiness is reflective of the natural pulse of life
it gives unstoppable energy when I am high, and deep soulful insight when I am low.
That is so true!
AND I see that in others.
I gives me a whole new appreciation for them....
I do see their deep soulful reflections and I see it in myself.
We are all the same! You know...cuz we are all affected by the Way!
He talks about the Way in this video and let me be clear....
Jesus is the Way!
I believe that with all my heart....
The Way takes
takes chaos and gives order,
expressed by the mind is genius,
received thru eyes is beauty,
felt thru our senses is grace,
allowed to heart is love,
Wayseers have a knack for knowing the Way
we sense it in our being...
We can't show our work, so don't ask...
our minds resonate with the Way...
when Way is present, so are we...
To be Present......
I heard an AMAZING speaker say this recently....
"Honor the past, look to the future....LIVE in the present...."
I heard another person recently say, "the past is gone...."
That resonated with me too. Sometimes, it is very difficult for me to live in the present.
It is an entirely new way of living. This girl, who for so many years was okay living as
a victim could not let go of the past. It is hard. But to not to is to live in bitterness. I don't want to be bitter. If not for me, for my children. To live in the past is to live in regret. I want to honor it....learn from it.....move on from it. This is so much easier said than done and a training of my mind.
He said,
"90 percent of human civilization is blocked to Way
and they are hardwired to enforce social programing indoctrinated since birth....
they take social institutions and rules seriously....
society is full of games to keep minds occupied so they wont revolt...
these games cause sick fixations on power structures and taboos....
(government, legalism in church, unwritten social southern rules, social groups)
all causing bondage.....
it is tolerated and insisted on...
they want to destroy anyone who violates these rules
Wayseers call their bluff
(hopefully gently in love)
Wayseers see these social institutional games for what they are and reject the games...
(that speaks to me! Cuz I know I been guilty)
Wayseers comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable
they keep contact with original source of reality
The Way"
Are you a Wayseer?
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