Monday, May 31, 2010
I want you to know some of the awesome thinks I love about you! God thinks you are wonderful and marvelous and he loves you so much. I love you as much as a mommy can love her child, but no one else will ever love you more than that, I promise.
Sweetie you have such a beautiful and loving heart! I love your compassion for others. Wanting to help those who hurt. God will use you in mighty ways to bless others and show his love....Many people will learn about God when you shine his glory and love for others. I am so proud of you for that!
You have such a teachable heart. When you mess up. you are sorry and you try to not make that same mistake. God loves that! He loves a moldable heart and and a heart that loves him. I know you love God to pieces! I hear it in your prayers!
You have such a beautiful smile! and a beautiful spirit! When you smile, JOY just lights up the room! Your laugh is contagious! People around you cant help but have joy when you are around. God loves your cheerful heart!
God and Me love it when you show your gratitude. When you thank Him for things, he is soooo blessed and that blesses mommy too! I have seen you really work on that lately. I am so proud of you sweetie.
I love you my sweet girl. You are precious!
the thing about this letter, is that I wrote this to Lily on a day when she was feeling down....and I wanted her to know how God thought of the same time, I was feeling really low that day....and so, in a way, as I was writing this letter, God revealed to me that he was writing this letter to me. I call this my love letter from my Papa God.
I KNOW God loves me. I know there is no condemnation or guilt from HIM. HE is all I need. Many people in my life right now do not agree with some decisions I have made recently. That is okay with me. I know where I stand with my God....and I do not need the approval of anyone other than him
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Watermark - The Purest Place
Paint me with Your purity
That I'd attract Your majesty
When others boast in fame and gold
The purest place is where I'll go
The purest place I will draw near
Do what it takes to keep me here
In the center of Your heart
The purest place is where You are
It's not with masses, not with kings
Not in these songs, or offerings
Not in this life, or what it brings
The purest place is You my King
If there's such thing as too beautiful
If there's such things as too wonderful
If there's such thing as too marvelous
Jesus it's You, Jesus it's You
It's You my King,
It's You my King
The purest place, is You my King
The Purest Place
Paint me with Your purity
That I'd attract Your majesty
When others boast in fame and gold
The purest place is where I'll go
The purest place I will draw near
Do what it takes to keep me here
In the center of Your heart
The purest place is where You are
It's not with masses, not with kings
Not in these songs, or offerings
Not in this life, or what it brings
The purest place is You my King
If there's such thing as too beautiful
If there's such things as too wonderful
If there's such thing as too marvelous
Jesus it's You, Jesus it's You
It's You my King,
It's You my King
The purest place, is You my King
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Rain Rain Go Away
I guess I should now go find something else to clean or organize..........
Over and out for now................
Peace out